Technology Write For Us (Guest Post) – IoT, AI, Bigdata, Software, Apps

Submit technology write for us guest post to flip updates, and also contribute an article for top 10 or top 20 topics on mobile technology, IoT cloud tech, AI business, and other trending topics which are related to

Why Should You Choose FlipUpdates For Guest Post:

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Flip Update is the site which is giving high priority for genuine and user-friendly readable content, so most of the user is choosing the flip updates portal to visit and to find valuable content.

We maintain strict content guidelines, where the admin will not accept and encourage illegal marketing content or article to promote here.

We only accept the article which meets all the guidelines as per the Google search engine, then only we will publish an article to make it live through our site.

Guestpost Guidelines – Rules and Regulations to Follow

As per the demand in the market, we are getting most of the guest post articles on technology through the write for us page. So, to make it perfect we have written some rules and regulations to make the guest post article on our site.

1. Quality Content:

As everyone knew, Google is giving major priority to the quality content if the content is well readable and user-friendly, that content is ranking in the top position Google search engine.

So, we only accept unique and user-friendly readable content.

2. Content Subject:

The contributor who wants to post in flip updates, stick to the content subject do not deviate from the actual subject while you writing the article.

Because, if the content is not relevant user will definitely disappoint, and they will exit from the same page in a short time, this kind of content Google will encourage to rank. So if you want to rank the article on a search engine stick to the focus keyword or subject and complete the article in the same wavelength.

 3. Copyright Policy:

Google crawler strictly monitors and follows copyright policy, if the content is not unique and if the content is copied from somewhere else, google algorithm will find out it and it makes your content not rank in search engine.

So, kindly do not copy past the content and do not place the spin article.

4. Guest Post Headers:

The guest post article must contain the headers in the article, headers represent the subject and concept of a paragraph in the article. And google first gives the priority to read the headers in the article, and then it will understand the concept of the article.

So, If you want to rank an article in a good position in the search engine makes sure to maintain proper headers.

 5. Guest Post Images

Images also rank in the search engine, so make sure to create a unique and meaningful full image for the article and attach the image while contributing the article.


  • If you are writing an article on Mobile Technology, creates an image related to this only.
  • If you are writing an article on IoT, creates an image related to this only.

Do not copy existing images from google, this kind of images will lead your content to not rank in the search engine.

Topics for Technology Write For Us

Latest Technology write for us (1)

  • Internet of Things
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Big Data
  • Blockchain
  • Metaverse
  • Cloud Computing
  • Data Security
  • Machine Learning

How to Find our Technology Write for Us Page on Google:

To find the write for us page, you can come through search queries like given below,

technology + “write for us” + guest post

technology write for us free guest post

mobile technology write for us

technology blog “write for us”

information technology write for us

business technology + “write for us”

technology articles write for us

tech news write for us

Through queries, once you find, you can come to the write for us page and there you can see our mail address then you can post your article.

Type of Article Flip Updates Accept

We accept article on tech news, Mobile Technology, IoT, Bigdata, AI Business Updates. And also we you can submit articles on Apps, Software, Gadgets, MetaVerse, Blockchain and other Latest technonogies.

If you have article on mention topics here,  you can send the article to our contact mail address


Technology write for us guest post articles will be on live here forever in the site, and make sure to send unique and quality article. Image should attach while shooting the article though the mail address. Content should stick on subject in same wave length from beginning to end of the article and proper heading should be shown in the post.